Audrey George is experienced in business marketing and communications.
She is skilled at creative writing as well as technical writing.
Her written work includes copywriting for social media posts, flyers, sample magazine articles, instructional DIY craft guides, a cooking snapchat, and a cookbook she uses for personal use.

Audrey managed two different social media business accounts for the UNR Economics Club and her own art and design business.  She demonstrated skills in educational content as well as product-centered content.
Audrey's writing ability includes technical writing. Through her art business, she published 14 detailed embroidery sewing guides that took beginners through the steps of creating their own embroidery art. Click here to view examples of her instructional guides.
Aud's Eats
Now Audrey is cooking up recipes to add a level of spice and complexity to her life in her newest book. In her recipes, she plays with spice and brightness, she gavalants with richness and texture, and she flirts with sweetness and decadence. All to develop her cooking style.
Audrey has experience in creative writing. Her sample articles were written, formatted and illustrated by Audrey. Click here to read her sample articles.